I know… for many truffle patè is not “the real stuff”, and as a matter of fact I have to agree! Nonetheless, I also have to say that I really love it, it is very tasty and delicious and, you know what? It doesn’t have to be one or the other… does it?
Ingredients for 2 servings:
– 15 Champignon mushrooms
– 2 cloves of garlic
– e.v.o. oil, about 6 tablespoons
– 200 ml double cream
– 2 teaspoons black truffle patè
Put the oil in a large frying pan and add the two garlic cloves finely chopped. Put on a low heat and make sure you don’t burn it… it can happen in a blink of an eye!
In the meantime chop the mushrooms too. First slice them, and then cut them in small pieces. Now add them to the pan, season with salt and let it cook stirring from time to time until the water in the mushrooms have gone.
Now that everything is quite dry turn the heat off and add the double cream.
Boil the pasta, drain it and add it to the pan (keep some of the cooking water on a side), add two teaspoons of black truffle patè and stir well. If your pasta seems too dry and thick, you can add half a glass of the water you cooked the pasta in.
I prefer not to put Parmesan cheese in this recipe but it’s really up to you! Enjoy it!