Hi everyone! My name is Silvia and I live in Rome, Italy.

I love cooking and eating so, a couple of yars ago, I decided to open a food-blog mainly to organize my own recipes.

With time this has become more about sharing, and since I’ve had quite a lot of requests to translate it into English… I decided to do it!

Luckily I have lived in England for more than 10 years so I do not need a translator. By the way, forgive me when (note: not if) I make mistakes!

Although I love international food and the fact that I have lived abroad for a while, this is a collection of genuine Italian recipes and traditions. Of course you will find my own interpretation of different cuisines, but it will always be very clearly stated. You will not find “Tagliatelle Alfredo” or “Carbonara with cream” though, because they are not Italian dishes… they might be good but not authentic!

I hope you will enjoy this blog at least as much as I do!

Feel free to leave comments, to ask questions and… to tell your friends!!! 😉
